Friday, May 29, 2009

Can't Comit To A Title Yet...

Obviously I have commitment issues... but Im working on that. Its just almost impossible for me to do something 2 days in a row, (or 2 months in a row for that matter) but I'm working on that!

The question of the week... Is the NBA rigged?
"People r sayin the NBA is rigged cause of the Kobe & Lebron commercials & it seems the finals may go in that direction...I don't think the NBA is rigged. but the commercials r weird... all these fouls (a lot r suspect). A lot of ppl think its rigged... debates"
Okay, so that was a statement from me earlier on Twitter...

Idk, I guess it just seems like a setup. But how UnAmerican would that be to rig something like the NBA? Thats worse than that crap that happened a long time ago with baseball... yall know what Im talkin about. Most of the responses I got were "of course its rigged" & a few "those shots like Lebron hittin the 3 with a second left in the game can't be rigged" The point is, if the finals are Lakers vs. Cavs... I may have a few questions. But in all honesty, I really don't think the NBA would show commericals like that THEN make the outcome reflect those commercials. Way too obvious. But, we shall see....


Anonymous said...

I miss you!!! you kno i deleted my Facebook, right?

holla at me! :D

Ess said...

Like I was saying today... the NBA is rigged aalllll for the love of money... lol... If the Cavs win SOMEHOW... then I will never watch the league again... smh